Covid-19 Protocol for Voters and Volunteers on the election days
- Mandatory Mask Requirement
- Gloves mandatory requirement
- Mandatory Social Distancing
- Mandatory Temperature Checks**
- No Soliciting or hanging around the masjid Allowed
- Leave the IACC premise as soon as you drop the ballot
in the drop box.
- The elections will be conducted inside the gymnasium
- All voter will enter the gym form the south entrance close
to stairwell and exit from the door next to the IACC foodbank
- All pencils/pens will be sanitized available for
- Observe maximum caution to keep safe during voting
** Those who
fail the temperature cut off requirements (99.9 F) will not be allowed to vote. They will be
asked to come back at a later date and re-try to vote provided the
temperature readings are normal.