“Indeed, the Believers have attained success …” (Muʾminūn, 23:1-11)
In these eleven verses of Sūra al-Muʾminūn, Allah Most High gives us the roadmap for success [falāḥ] in this life and the hereafter. We have taken this roadmap and turned it into a curriculum of Islamic learning for college youth that comprises of seven modules: Faith, Spirituality, Character, Career, Family, Community & Legacy.
The vision of Taqwa Seminary is to inspire Muslim men and women to practice their faith with conviction, sincerity and excellence. The Falah Program seeks to fulfill this vision for college youth in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. The program is flexible. The coursework is designed with the busy college student in mind. Courses do not need to be taken in any particular order, and there are no prerequisites.

- To cultivate a strong spiritual connection with God
- To appreciate the value of Islamic beliefs and practices
- To acquire the ability to answer questions about Islam with clarity and accuracy
- To strive towards the embodiment of Prophetic character
- To strengthen bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow students
- To find inspiration in the legacy of Muslim luminaries
“Indeed, the Believers have attained success …” (Muʾminūn, 23:1-11)
In these eleven verses of Sūra al-Muʾminūn, Allah Most High gives us the roadmap for success [falāḥ] in this life and the hereafter. We have taken this roadmap and turned it into a curriculum of Islamic learning for college youth that comprises of seven modules: Faith, Spirituality, Character, Career, Family, Community & Legacy.
- To cultivate a strong spiritual connection with God
- To appreciate the value of Islamic beliefs and practices
- To acquire the ability to answer questions about Islam with clarity and accuracy
- To strive towards the embodiment of Prophetic character
- To strengthen bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood with fellow students
- To find inspiration in the legacy of Muslim luminaries
Connecting with the Divine
Click the “Registration” button to register for the course.
Falah Curriculum

Q: Do students need to buy books?
A: Yes books are not included.